A Big Announcement About Bravo
Bravo the puppy has just completed her Assistance Dog training and has been appointed a special new job!
Recently, brilliant Bravo returned to the Pups in Prison training program in Southern Queensland to undergo the final weeks of Advanced Training, culminating in an emotional graduation ceremony.
After much deliberation, it turns out that Bravo’s calling is as an Ambassador Dog rather than an Assistance Dog.
What does an Ambassador Dog do? Click here to find out.
Even though Bravo will not be an Assistance Dog, she has still successfully completed and passed her Public Access Training, demonstrating her suitability for routine and structured outings.
Bravo remains an affectionate and highly trainable dog. Her high willingness to please her handler and enjoy the training process showcases her dedication to becoming an exceptional Ambassador Dog.

As intelligent and well-mannered as she is, Bravo has shown a heightened sensitivity to change, which has affected how comfortable she feels when she is out and about. We have seen her express this heightened sensitivity by barking at things she isn’t sure about, among other examples, which is unideal behaviour in an Assistance Dog.
In response to these observations, the decision was made to reduce Bravo’s public access, which had a positive impact on her behaviour.
In the home environment, Bravo proves to be a joy to have around. She is respectful of other animals and her friendly nature contribute to her bright future as an Ambassador Dog.

Nacho and Braco on an excursion at the beach.
Bravo’s story exemplifies the dedication and intelligence of all the dogs in our family, and we look forward to witnessing her continued growth and success as she takes on the role of an Ambassador Dog for Assistance Dogs Australia.
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