Cause Related Marketing

Cause Related Marketing (CRM) is a great way for corporate organisations to partner with Assistance Dogs Australia, to sell more products, reach a wider audience and build a genuine and authentic partnership. By donating a percentage of profits from the sale of an item you can make a great impact and support your growing business goals.

Cause Related Marketing can help you:

  • Differentiate your products in a crowded marketplace
  • Engage your customers so they feel connected with a cause
  • Build trust in your brand as you align with Assistance Dogs Australia
  • Engage with new audiences and connect with socially conscious consumers
  • Increases employee engagement

Why is Cause Related Marketing so powerful?

  1. 54% of Australians will definitely/probably switch brands this year to support a cause they care about*
  2. 85% of Australians would ‘definitely/probably/possibly would’ choose to purchase a product that supports a cause or charity they care about**
  3. 8 out of 10 consumers are more loyal to purpose driven brands***
  4. 94% of consumers say it’s important for companies to have a strong purpose***

To find out more please email us or complete the form below.

Contact the Partnerships Team

*&** Conscious Consumer Report 2023,, October 2023

*** The 2020 Zeno Strength of Purpose research on 8000 consumers internationally

It costs over $60,000 to train and place an Assistance Dog.

Your donation helps cover training, vaccinations and equipment for an Assistance Dog, who is given to a client free of charge.

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